Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- verb-transitive: Linguistics To pronounce (a vowel or word) with the initial release of breath associated with English h, as in hurry.
- verb-transitive: Linguistics To follow (a consonant, especially a stop consonant) with a puff of breath that is clearly audible before the next sound begins, as in English pit or kit.
- verb-transitive: To draw (something) into the lungs; inhale.
- verb-transitive: Medicine To remove an abnormal accumulation of (a liquid or gas) from the body by aspiration.
- verb-transitive: Medicine To suction (a body part or growth, for example) for the removal of a liquid or a gas.
- noun: Linguistics The speech sound represented by English h.
- noun: Linguistics The puff of air accompanying the release of a stop consonant.
- noun: Linguistics A speech sound followed by a puff of breath.
- noun: Medicine Matter removed by aspiration.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- aspiruoti
- sugerti
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