Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis body reiškia 1. n 1) kūnas; 2) žmogus; 3) lavonas; 4) liemuo; korpusas; 5) svarbiausioji dalis; 6) korporacija; draugija;in a body visi drauge; elective body rinkėjai; diplomatic body diplomatinis korpusas; the body politicvalstybė;2. v 1) apipavidalinti; 2) įkūnyti;  lietuviškai.

Body tarimas:

  • /'bɔdi/

Body audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: The entire material or physical structure of an organism, especially of a human or animal.
  • noun: The physical part of a person.
  • noun: A corpse or carcass.
  • noun: The trunk or torso of a human or animal.
  • noun: The part of a garment covering the torso.
  • noun: A human; a person.
  • noun: A group of individuals regarded as an entity; a corporation.
  • noun: A number of persons, concepts, or things regarded as a group: We walked out in a body.
  • noun: The main or central part, as:
  • noun: Anatomy The largest or principal part of an organ; corpus.
  • noun: The nave of a church.
  • noun: The content of a book or document exclusive of prefatory matter, codicils, indexes, or appendixes.
  • noun: The passenger- and cargo-carrying part of an aircraft, ship, or other vehicle.
  • noun: Music The sound box of an instrument.
  • noun: A mass of matter that is distinct from other masses: a body of water; a celestial body.
  • noun: A collection or quantity, as of material or information: the body of evidence.
  • noun: Consistency of substance, as in paint, textiles, or wine: a sauce with body.
  • noun: Printing The part of a block of type underlying the impression surface.
  • verb-transitive: To furnish with a body.
  • verb-transitive: To give shape to. Usually used with forth: "Imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown” ( Shakespeare).

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • žmogus
  • lavonas
  • liemuo
  • korpusas
  • svarbiausioji dalis
  • korporacija
  • draugija
  • in a body visi drauge
  • elective body rinkėjai
  • diplomatic body diplomatinis korpusas
  • the body politicvalstybė
  • įkūnyti
  • kūnas
  • apipavidalinti
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