Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis bunt reiškia 1. n bakstelėjimas; niuksas; stumtelėjimas; 2. v 1) smogti; 2) badyti(s) lietuviškai.

Bunt tarimas:

  • /bʌnt/

Bunt audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • verb-transitive: Baseball To bat (a pitched ball) by tapping it lightly so that the ball rolls slowly in front of the infielders.
  • verb-transitive: Baseball To cause (a base runner) to advance or (a run) to score by bunting.
  • verb-transitive: To push or strike with or as if with the head; butt.
  • verb-intransitive: Baseball To bunt a pitched ball: The batter squared away to bunt.
  • verb-intransitive: To butt.
  • noun: Baseball The act of bunting.
  • noun: Baseball A bunted ball.
  • noun: A butt with or as if with the head.
  • noun: The middle portion of a sail, especially a square one, that is shaped like a pouch to increase the effect of the wind.
  • noun: The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated.
  • noun: A smut disease of wheat and other cereal grasses, caused by fungi of the genus Tilletia and resulting in grains filled with foul-smelling, sooty black spores. Also called stinking smut.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • bakstelėjimas
  • niuksas
  • stumtelėjimas
  • smogti
  • badyti(s)
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