Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

Kompiuterinis žodynas internete nemokamai


Clean tarimas:

  • /kli:n/

Clean audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Free from dirt, stain, or impurities; unsoiled.
  • adjective: Free from foreign matter or pollution; unadulterated: clean air; clean drinking water.
  • adjective: Not infected: a clean wound.
  • adjective: Producing relatively little pollution: a clean fuel; a cleaner, more efficient engine.
  • adjective: Producing relatively little radioactive fallout or contamination: a clean nuclear bomb.
  • adjective: Having no imperfections or blemishes; regular or even: a clean edge; a smooth, clean joint.
  • adjective: Not ornate or intricate; spare: "the clean lines and exquisite proportions of early modernism” ( Judith Thurman).
  • adjective: Sharply defined; clear-cut: a clean outline against the sky.
  • adjective: Free from clumsiness; deft; adroit: a clean throw.
  • adjective: Devoid of restrictions or encumbrances: a clean bill of health.
  • adjective: Thorough; complete: a clean getaway.
  • adjective: Having few alterations or corrections; legible: clean manuscript.
  • adjective: Blank: a clean page.
  • adjective: Morally pure; virtuous: led a clean life.
  • adjective: Having no marks of discredit or offense: a clean voting record.
  • adjective: Fit for all readers, listeners, or audiences; not ribald or obscene: a clean joke.
  • adjective: Honest or fair: a clean fighter; a clean competition.
  • adjective: Slang Not carrying concealed weapons or drugs.
  • adjective: Slang Innocent of a suspected crime.
  • adjective: Informal Free from narcotics addiction.
  • adjective: Informal Showing no evidence of using banned or performance-enhancing substances: proven to be clean before the race.
  • adverb: So as to be unsoiled: wash the dishes clean.
  • adverb: In a fair manner: played the game clean.
  • adverb: In a clean or nonpolluting manner: a fuel that burns clean.
  • adverb: Informal Entirely; wholly: clean forgot the appointment.
  • verb-transitive: To rid of dirt, rubbish, or impurities: clean a room; clean a suit.
  • verb-transitive: To get rid of (impurities or dirt, for example); remove: cleaned up the trash; cleaned off the stains.
  • verb-transitive: To prepare (fowl or other food) for cooking, as by removing the entrails or fat.
  • verb-transitive: To remove the contents from; empty: cleaned my plate.
  • verb-transitive: Sports To lift (a barbell) from the floor to the shoulders in one motion.
  • verb-intransitive: To undergo or perform an act of cleaning.
  • phrasal-verb: clean out To rid of dirt, rubbish, or impurities.
  • phrasal-verb: clean out To empty of contents or occupants.
  • phrasal-verb: clean out Informal To drive or force out: cleaned out the incompetent workers.
  • phrasal-verb: clean out Slang To deprive completely of money or material wealth: The robbery cleaned us out.
  • phrasal-verb: clean up To make clean or orderly.
  • phrasal-verb: clean up To make oneself clean, neat, or presentable.
  • phrasal-verb: clean up To dispose of; settle: cleaned up the unpaid bills.
  • phrasal-verb: clean up Slang To make a large profit, often in a short period of time: cleaned up during the bull market.
  • idiom: clean house Slang To eliminate or discard what is undesirable: The scandal forced the company to clean house.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • švarus
  • to have clean handsturėti gerą vardą
  • tiesiai
  • to clean away išsigiedryti
  • to clean down nušluoti
  • to clean off išsinešdinti
  • to clean out išvalyti
  • to clean up su(si)tvarkyti
  • adv
  • visai
  • valyti
  • nusivalyti
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abort lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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