Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

Kompiuterinis žodynas internete nemokamai


Decide tarimas:

  • /di'said/

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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • verb-transitive: To settle conclusively all contention or uncertainty about: decide a case; decided the dispute in favor of the workers.
  • verb-transitive: To make up one's mind about: decide what to do.
  • verb-transitive: To influence or determine the outcome of: A few votes decided the election.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to make or reach a decision.
  • verb-intransitive: To pronounce a judgment; announce a verdict.
  • verb-intransitive: To make up one's mind.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • ryžtis
  • nuspręsti
  • nutarti
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis ABC lietuviškai?
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