Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- adverb: To, from, or at considerable distance: a cat that had strayed far from home.
- adverb: To or at a specific distance, degree, or position: Just how far are you taking this argument?
- adverb: To a considerable degree; much: felt far better yesterday; eyes that seemed far too close together.
- adverb: Not at all; anything but: seems far from content; a test of strength that was far from a failure.
- adverb: To an advanced point or stage: a brilliant student who will go far.
- adjective: Being at considerable distance; remote: a far country.
- adjective: Going back a considerable extent in time: the far past.
- adjective: More distant than another: the far corner.
- adjective: Extensive or lengthy: a far trek.
- adjective: Far-seeing and comprehensive in thought or outlook: a commander of far vision.
- adjective: Marked by political views of the most advanced or extreme nature: the far right; the far left.
- adjective: Being on the right side of an animal or a vehicle.
- adjective: Being the animal or vehicle on the right.
- idiom: by far To the most extreme or evident degree: She is by far the best executive in the company.
- idiom: far and away By a great margin: "That made him, far and away, the best known of the Democrats who started the presidential race this year” ( Tom Wicker).
- idiom: far and wide Everywhere: looked far and wide for the lost puppy.
- idiom: far cry A long way: The climate in Alaska is a far cry from that of Florida.
- idiom: how far To what degree, distance, or extent: didn't know how far to believe them; tried to decide how far she could ski in such cold.
- idiom: so far Up to the present moment: So far there's been no word from them.
- idiom: so far To a limited extent: You can go only so far on five dollars.
- idiom: thus far Up to this point; so far: Our success has been limited thus far.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- far from visai ne
- daug
- žymiai
- kur kas
- in so far as kiek
- so far iki šiol
- tuo tarpu
- as far as I kn
- toli (t. p. far away/ off/out)
- further
- far and near
- far and wide visur
- far and away
- by fardaug
- žymiai
- farthest
by far
in so far
so far
as far as possible
far and away
far and near
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