Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- adjective: Containing all that is normal or possible: a full pail.
- adjective: Complete in every particular: a full account.
- adjective: Baseball Amounting to three balls and two strikes. Used of a count.
- adjective: Baseball Having a base runner at first, second, and third base: The bases were full when the slugger stepped up to bat.
- adjective: Of maximum or highest degree: at full speed.
- adjective: Being at the peak of development or maturity: in full bloom.
- adjective: Having a great deal or many: a book full of errors.
- adjective: Totally qualified, accepted, or empowered: a full member of the club.
- adjective: Rounded in shape; plump: a full figure.
- adjective: Having or made with a generous amount of fabric: full draperies.
- adjective: Having an appetite completely satisfied, especially for food or drink: was full after the Thanksgiving dinner.
- adjective: Providing an abundance, especially of food.
- adjective: Having depth and body; rich: a full aroma; full tones.
- adjective: Completely absorbed or preoccupied: "He was already pretty full of himself” ( Ron Rosenbaum).
- adjective: Possessing both parents in common: full brothers; full sisters.
- adverb: To a complete extent; entirely: knowing full well.
- adverb: Exactly; directly: full in the path of the moon.
- verb-transitive: To make (a garment) full, as by pleating or gathering.
- verb-intransitive: To become full. Used of the moon.
- noun: The maximum or complete size or amount: repaid in full.
- noun: The highest degree or state: living life to the full.
- verb-transitive: To increase the weight and bulk of (cloth) by shrinking and beating or pressing.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- full speed visas greitis
- full time visa darbo diena
- full dress paradinė uniforma
- a full-dress rehearsal teatr. generalinė repeticija
- full house pilna salė (teatre)
- full scale natūralus dydis
- full face veidu į priekį
- anfas
- full
- a pilnas
- visas
be full
in full
to the full
cram full
full admiral
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