Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis graph reiškia n grafa, diagrama lietuviškai.

Graph tarimas:

  • /græf/

Graph audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: A diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship. Also called plot.
  • noun: A pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to illustrate quantitative relationships. Also called chart.
  • verb-transitive: To represent by a graph.
  • verb-transitive: To plot (a function) on a graph.
  • noun: The spelling of a word.
  • noun: Any of the possible forms of a grapheme.
  • noun: A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • grafa
  • diagrama
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abnormal lietuviškai?
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