Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis hot reiškia 1. a 1) karštas; I am hot man karšta; hot airplepalai, pagyros; to get into hot water perk. gauti; to give it smb hot perk. išplūsti ką; išperti kam kailį; 2) naujos (apie žinias); 3) (apie valgį) aštrus; 2. adv karšta; he goes hot and cold jam ir karšta  lietuviškai.

Hot tarimas:

  • /hɔt/

Hot audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Having or giving off heat; capable of burning.
  • adjective: Being at a high temperature.
  • adjective: Being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable: a hot forehead.
  • adjective: Causing a burning sensation, as in the mouth; spicy: hot peppers; a hot curry.
  • adjective: Charged or energized with electricity: a hot wire.
  • adjective: Radioactive, especially to a dangerous degree.
  • adjective: Marked by intensity of emotion; ardent or fiery: a hot temper.
  • adjective: Having or displaying great enthusiasm; eager: hot for travel.
  • adjective: Informal Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy: a hot new book; a hot topic.
  • adjective: Informal Marked by excited activity or energy: a hot week on the stock market.
  • adjective: Violent; raging: a hot battle.
  • adjective: Slang Sexually excited or exciting.
  • adjective: Slang Recently stolen: a hot car.
  • adjective: Slang Wanted by the police: a hot suspect.
  • adjective: Close to a successful solution or conclusion: hot on the trail.
  • adjective: Informal Most recent; new or fresh: a hot news item; the hot fashions for fall.
  • adjective: Informal Currently very popular or successful: one of the hottest young talents around.
  • adjective: Informal Requiring immediate action or attention: a hot opportunity.
  • adjective: Slang Very good or impressive. Often used in the negative: I'm not so hot at math.
  • adjective: Slang Funny or absurd: told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.
  • adjective: Slang Performing with great skill and daring: a hot drummer.
  • adjective: Slang Having or characterized by repeated successes: a player who is on a hot streak.
  • adjective: Slang Fast and responsive: a hot sports car.
  • adjective: Slang Unusually lucky: hot at craps.
  • adjective: Music Of, relating to, or being an emotionally charged style of performance marked by strong rhythms and improvisation: hot jazz.
  • adjective: Bold and bright.
  • noun: Slang Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used with the.
  • adverb: In a hot manner; hotly.
  • adverb: While hot: foods that are best eaten hot.
  • verb-transitive: Informal To cause to increase in intensity or excitement. Often used with up: "His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote” ( Harper's).
  • idiom: hot and bothered Informal In a state of agitated excitement; flustered: all hot and bothered before the opening performance.
  • idiom: hot and heavy Informal Passionate or intense: Interest in the new stock was hot and heavy.
  • idiom: hot and heavy Characterized by or engaging in amorous or sexual activity.
  • idiom: hot to trot Slang Sexually avid; lascivious.
  • idiom: hot to trot Slang Ready and willing; eager.
  • idiom: hot under the collar Informal Angry.
  • idiom: make it hot for Slang To make things uncomfortable or dangerous for: Don't make it hot for yourself by needlessly finding fault.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • I am hot man karšta
  • to get into hot water perk. gauti
  • to give it smb hot perk. išplūsti ką
  • išperti kam kailį
  • naujos (apie žinias)
  • (apie valgį) aštrus
  • karšta
  • he goes hot and cold jam ir karšta
  • karštas
  • hot airplepalai
  • pagyros
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abdicate lietuviškai?

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