Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

Kompiuterinis žodynas internete nemokamai


Impulse tarimas:

  • /'impʌls/

Impulse audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: An impelling force; an impetus.
  • noun: The motion produced by such a force.
  • noun: A sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination: had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.
  • noun: A motivating force or tendency: "Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men” ( Bertrand Russell).
  • noun: Electronics A surge of electrical power in one direction.
  • noun: Physics The product obtained by multiplying the average value of a force by the time during which it acts. The impulse equals the change in momentum produced by the force in this time interval.
  • noun: Physiology The electrochemical transmission of a signal along a nerve fiber that produces an excitatory or inhibitory response at a target tissue, such as a muscle or another nerve.
  • adjective: Characterized by impulsiveness or acting on impulse: an impulse shopper; impulse buying.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • staigus entuziazmas
  • dvasios pakilimas
  • impulsas
  • akstinas
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Ką reiškia lietuviškai?

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis absent-mindedness lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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