Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis law reiškia n 1) įstatymas; common law 1) nerašytas įstatymas; 2) papročių teisė; martial law karo stovis; 2) dėsnis; taisyklė; 3) teisė; law and order teisinė tvarka; civil law civilinė teisė; international law tarptautinė teisė; to read law studijuoti, tyrinėti tei lietuviškai.

Law tarimas:

  • /lɔ:/

Law audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.
  • noun: The body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority; a legal system: international law.
  • noun: The condition of social order and justice created by adherence to such a system: a breakdown of law and civilized behavior.
  • noun: A set of rules or principles dealing with a specific area of a legal system: tax law; criminal law.
  • noun: A piece of enacted legislation.
  • noun: The system of judicial administration giving effect to the laws of a community: All citizens are equal before the law.
  • noun: Legal action or proceedings; litigation: submit a dispute to law.
  • noun: An impromptu or extralegal system of justice substituted for established judicial procedure: frontier law.
  • noun: An agency or agent responsible for enforcing the law. Often used with the: "The law . . . stormed out of the woods as the vessel was being relieved of her cargo” ( Sid Moody).
  • noun: Informal A police officer. Often used with the.
  • noun: The science and study of law; jurisprudence.
  • noun: Knowledge of law.
  • noun: The profession of an attorney.
  • noun: Something, such as an order or a dictum, having absolute or unquestioned authority: The commander's word was law.
  • noun: The body of principles or precepts held to express the divine will, especially as revealed in the Bible.
  • noun: The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.
  • noun: A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.
  • noun: A rule or custom generally established in a particular domain: the unwritten laws of good sportsmanship.
  • noun: A way of life: the law of the jungle.
  • noun: A statement describing a relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met: the law of gravity.
  • noun: A generalization based on consistent experience or results: the law of supply and demand.
  • noun: Mathematics A general principle or rule that is assumed or that has been proven to hold between expressions.
  • noun: A principle of organization, procedure, or technique: the laws of grammar; the laws of visual perspective.
  • verb-intransitive: To go to law; litigate.
  • idiom: a law unto (oneself) A totally independent operator: An executive who is a law unto herself.
  • idiom: take the law into (one's) own hands To mete out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies or the courts.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • įstatymas
  • papročių teisė
  • martial law karo stovis
  • dėsnis
  • taisyklė
  • teisė
  • law and order teisinė tvarka
  • civil law civilinė teisė
  • international law tarptautinė teisė
  • common law
  • nerašytas įstatymas
  • to read law studijuoti
  • tyrinėti tei
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a belief in freedom

/eɪ bɪ'lif ɪn 'fridəm /
Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis a belief in freedom lietuviškai?
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