Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis lot reiškia 1. n 1) burtas; to cast/draw lots traukti burtus; 2)perk. likimas; dalia; 3) amer. žemės sklypas;2. pron a lot of, lots of daugybė, daug;3. n: the lot, all the lot, the whole lotvisas (kiekis) viskas; a bad lot blogas žmogus; 4. v smulkinti į sklypelius ( lietuviškai.

Lot tarimas:

  • /lɔt/

Lot audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: Informal A large extent, amount, or number. Often used in the plural: is in a lot of trouble; has lots of friends.
  • noun: Informal Used adverbially with a or in the plural to mean "to a great degree or extent” or "frequently”: felt a lot better; ran lots faster; doesn't go out a whole lot; has seen her lots lately.
  • noun: A piece of land having specific boundaries, especially one constituting a part of a city, town, or block.
  • noun: A piece of land used for a given purpose: a parking lot.
  • noun: The complete grounds of a film studio.
  • noun: The outdoor area of a film studio.
  • noun: An object used in making a determination or choice at random: casting lots.
  • noun: The use of objects in making a determination or choice at random: chosen by lot.
  • noun: The determination or choice so made.
  • noun: Something that befalls one because of or as if because of determination by lot.
  • noun: One's fortune in life; fate.
  • noun: A number of associated people or things: placating an angry lot of tenants; kids who made a noisy lot.
  • noun: Kind; type: That dog is a contented lot.
  • noun: Miscellaneous articles sold as one unit.
  • verb-transitive: To apportion by lots; allot.
  • verb-transitive: To divide (land) into lots.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • to cast/draw lots traukti burtus
  • likimas
  • dalia
  • žemės sklypas
  • a bad lot blogas žmogus
  • smulkinti į sklypelius
  • burtas
  • pron a lot of
  • lots of daugybė
  • daug
  • n: the lot
  • all the lot
  • the whole lotvisas (kiekis) viskas
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abrade lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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