Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis particular reiškia 1. a 1) ypatingas, savotiškas; skirtingas; 2) smulkmeniškas; 3) individualus, asmeniškas;2.n 1) detalė, smulkmena; in particular ypatingai; to go into particulars įsileisti į smulkmenas; 2) pl smulki ataskaita; to give all the particulars duoti smulkią at lietuviškai.

Particular tarimas:

  • /pə'tikjulə/

Particular audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Of, belonging to, or associated with a specific person, group, thing, or category; not general or universal: has a particular preference for Chinese art.
  • adjective: Separate and distinct from others of the same group, category, or nature: made an exception in this particular case.
  • adjective: Worthy of note; exceptional: a piano performance of particular depth and fluidity.
  • adjective: Of, relating to, or providing details: gave a particular description of the room.
  • adjective: Attentive to or concerned with details or niceties, often excessively so; meticulous or fussy.
  • adjective: Logic Encompassing some but not all of the members of a class or group. Used of a proposition.
  • noun: An individual item, fact, or detail: correct in every particular. See Synonyms at item.
  • noun: An item or detail of information or news. Often used in the plural: The police refused to divulge the particulars of the case.
  • noun: A separate case or an individual thing or instance, especially one that can be distinguished from a larger category or class. Often used in the plural: "What particulars were ambushed behind these generalizations?” ( Aldous Huxley).
  • noun: Logic A particular proposition.
  • idiom: in particular Particularly; especially.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • skirtingas
  • smulkmeniškas
  • in particular ypatingai
  • to go into particulars įsileisti į smulkmenas
  • smulki ataskaita
  • to give all the particulars duoti smulkią at
  • individualus
  • asmeniškas
  • ypatingas
  • savotiškas
  • detalė
  • smulkmena
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis aboriginal lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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