Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis perfect reiškia 1. a 1) visiškai išbaigtas; tobulas; 2) puikus (oras); 3) gram. atliktinis (laikas); perfektas; 2. v 1) atlikti; 2) tobulinti lietuviškai.

Perfect tarimas:

  • /'pə:fikt/

Perfect audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
  • adjective: Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen.
  • adjective: Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.
  • adjective: Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation: She was the perfect actress for the part.
  • adjective: Completely corresponding to a description, standard, or type: a perfect circle; a perfect gentleman.
  • adjective: Accurately reproducing an original: a perfect copy of the painting.
  • adjective: Complete; thorough; utter: a perfect fool.
  • adjective: Pure; undiluted; unmixed: perfect red.
  • adjective: Excellent and delightful in all respects: a perfect day.
  • adjective: Botany Having both stamens and pistils in the same flower; monoclinous.
  • adjective: Grammar Of, relating to, or constituting a verb form expressing action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.
  • adjective: Music Designating the three basic intervals of the octave, fourth, and fifth.
  • noun: Grammar The perfect tense.
  • noun: A verb or verb form in the perfect tense.
  • verb-transitive: To bring to perfection or completion.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • tobulas
  • puikus (oras)
  • atliktinis (laikas)
  • perfektas
  • atlikti
  • tobulinti
  • visiškai išbaigtas
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abnormal lietuviškai?
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