Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis primary reiškia 1. n 1) svarbiausias dalykas; 2) pagrindinė spalva; 3) amer. pirminiai rinkimai;2. a 1) pirminis; pradinis; 2) pirmaeilis; 3) geol. (papr. P.)paleozoinis lietuviškai.

Primary tarimas:

  • /'praiməri/

Primary audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: First or highest in rank, quality, or importance; principal.
  • adjective: Being or standing first in a list, series, or sequence.
  • adjective: Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.
  • adjective: Being or existing as the first or earliest of a kind; primitive.
  • adjective: Geology Characteristic of or existing in a rock at the time of its formation.
  • adjective: Serving as or being an essential component, as of a system; basic. See Synonyms at chief.
  • adjective: Immediate; direct: a primary effect; a primary information source.
  • adjective: Preliminary to a later stage in a continuing process: primary training.
  • adjective: Of or relating to a primary school: the primary grades.
  • adjective: Of or relating to a primary color or colors.
  • adjective: Linguistics Having a word root or other linguistic element as a basis that cannot be further analyzed or broken down. Used of the derivation of a word or word element.
  • adjective: Linguistics Referring to present or future time. Used as a collective designation for various present and future verb tenses in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit.
  • adjective: Electronics Of, relating to, or constituting an inducting current, circuit, or coil.
  • adjective: Of, relating to, or designating the main flight feathers projecting along the outer edge of a bird's wing.
  • adjective: Of or relating to agriculture, forestry, the industries that extract natural materials from the earth, or the products so obtained: a primary commodity.
  • adjective: Chemistry Relating to the replacement of one of several atoms or radicals in a compound by another atom or radical.
  • adjective: Chemistry Having a carbon atom attached solely to one other carbon atom in a molecule.
  • adjective: Botany Of, relating to, or derived from a primary meristem.
  • noun: One that is first in time, order, or sequence.
  • noun: One that is first or best in degree, quality, or importance.
  • noun: One that is fundamental, basic, or elemental.
  • noun: A meeting of the registered voters of a political party for the purpose of nominating candidates and for choosing delegates to their party convention.
  • noun: A preliminary election in which the registered voters of a political party nominate candidates for office.
  • noun: A primary color.
  • noun: A primary flight feather.
  • noun: Electronics An inducting current, circuit, or coil.
  • noun: Astronomy A celestial body, especially a star, relative to other bodies in orbit around it.
  • noun: Astronomy The brighter of two stars that make up a double star.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • pagrindinė spalva
  • pirminiai rinkimai
  • pradinis
  • pirmaeilis
  • (papr. P.) paleozoinis
  • svarbiausias dalykas
  • pirminis
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis absorbing lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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