Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- noun: Mathematics A circular arc of 90°; one fourth of the circumference of a circle.
- noun: Mathematics The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii.
- noun: Mathematics Any of the four areas into which a plane is divided by the reference axes in a Cartesian coordinate system, designated first, second, third, and fourth, counting counterclockwise from the area in which both coordinates are positive.
- noun: A machine part or other mechanical device that is shaped like a quarter circle.
- noun: An early instrument for measuring altitude of celestial bodies, consisting of a 90° graduated arc with a movable radius for measuring angles.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- (įv. reikšm.) kvadrantas 2 tech. gitara
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/ə'betmənt/ (abettal) /ə'betəl/