Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis rape reiškia In 1) ropė; 2) rapsas II 1.n 1) išprievartavimas; 2) poet. (pa)grobimas;2. v išprievartauti lietuviškai.

Rape tarimas:

  • /reip/

Rape audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
  • noun: The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
  • noun: Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
  • verb-transitive: To force (another person) to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse; commit rape on.
  • verb-transitive: To seize and carry off by force.
  • verb-transitive: To plunder or pillage.
  • noun: A European plant (Brassica napus) of the mustard family, cultivated as fodder and for its seed that yields a valuable oil. Also called colza, oil-seed rape.
  • noun: The refuse of grapes left after the extraction of the juice in winemaking.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • (pa)grobimas
  • išprievartauti
  • In
  • ropė
  • išprievartavimas
  • rapsas II
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