Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis rock reiškia I n 1) uola; 2) uoliena; 3) amer. (dirvos) akmuo; 4) saldainis (ledinukas) II v suptis, svyruoti; užsupti, užlinguoti, užliūliuoti III n (t. p. rock music) roko muzika; rock and roll n rokenrolas lietuviškai.

Rock tarimas:

  • /rɔk/

Rock audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: Relatively hard, naturally formed mineral or petrified matter; stone.
  • noun: A relatively small piece or fragment of such material.
  • noun: A relatively large body of such material, as a cliff or peak.
  • noun: A naturally formed aggregate of mineral matter constituting a significant part of the earth's crust.
  • noun: One that is similar to or suggestive of a mass of stone in stability, firmness, or dependability: The family has been his rock during this difficult time.
  • noun: Slang Money.
  • noun: Slang A large gem, especially a diamond.
  • noun: Slang Crack cocaine.
  • noun: A varicolored stick candy.
  • noun: Rock candy.
  • idiom: between a rock and a hard place Confronted with equally unpleasant alternatives and few or no opportunities to evade or circumvent them.
  • idiom: on the rocks In a state of difficulty, destruction, or ruin: Their marriage is on the rocks.
  • idiom: on the rocks Without money; bankrupt: Our accountant says the business is on the rocks.
  • idiom: on the rocks Served over ice cubes: Scotch on the rocks.
  • verb-intransitive: To move back and forth or from side to side, especially gently or rhythmically.
  • verb-intransitive: To sway violently, as from a blow or shock. See Synonyms at swing.
  • verb-intransitive: To be washed and panned in a cradle or in a rocker. Used of ores.
  • verb-intransitive: Music To play or dance to rock 'n' roll.
  • verb-transitive: To move back and forth or from side to side, especially in order to soothe or lull to sleep.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to shake or sway violently. See Synonyms at agitate.
  • verb-transitive: To disturb the mental or emotional equilibrium of; upset: News of the scandal rocked the town.
  • verb-transitive: To wash or pan (ore) in a cradle or rocker.
  • verb-transitive: In mezzotint engraving, to roughen (a metal plate) with a rocker or roulette.
  • noun: A rocking motion.
  • noun: The act of rocking.
  • noun: Music Rock 'n' roll.
  • idiom: rock the boat Slang To disturb the balance or routine of a situation: He has an easygoing managerial style and won't rock the boat unless absolutely necessary.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • uoliena
  • (dirvos) akmuo
  • rock and roll n rokenrolas
  • I n
  • uola
  • saldainis (ledinukas) II v suptis
  • svyruoti
  • užsupti
  • užlinguoti
  • užliūliuoti III n (t. p. rock music) roko muzika
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a belief in freedom

/eɪ bɪ'lif ɪn 'fridəm /
Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis a belief in freedom lietuviškai?
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