Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

Kompiuterinis žodynas internete nemokamai


Run tarimas:

  • /rʌn/

Run audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • verb-intransitive: To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride.
  • verb-intransitive: To move at a fast gallop. Used of a horse.
  • verb-intransitive: To retreat rapidly; flee: seized the money and ran.
  • verb-intransitive: To move without hindrance or restraint: dogs that always ran loose.
  • verb-intransitive: To go or move about from place to place; roam: I am always running about, looking for my glasses.
  • verb-intransitive: To migrate, especially to move in a shoal in order to spawn. Used of fish.
  • verb-intransitive: To move or go quickly; hurry: run for the police; ran for help.
  • verb-intransitive: To go when in trouble or distress: He is always running to his lawyer.
  • verb-intransitive: To make a short, quick trip or visit: ran next door to borrow a cup of sugar; ran down to the store.
  • verb-intransitive: To take part in a race or contest: ran in the marathon; athletes who run for the gold medal.
  • verb-intransitive: To compete in a race for elected office: ran for mayor.
  • verb-intransitive: To finish a race or contest in a specified position: ran second.
  • verb-intransitive: To move freely, on or as if on wheels: The car ran downhill. The drawer runs on small bearings.
  • verb-intransitive: To be in operation: The engine is running.
  • verb-intransitive: To go back and forth especially on a regular basis; ply: The ferry runs every hour.
  • verb-intransitive: Nautical To sail or steer before the wind or on an indicated course: run before a storm.
  • verb-intransitive: To flow, especially in a steady stream: Fresh water runs from the spring. Turn on the faucet and let the water run.
  • verb-intransitive: To emit pus, mucus, or serous fluid: Pollen makes my nose run.
  • verb-intransitive: To be wet or covered with a liquid: The street ran with blood. The mourners' eyes ran with tears.
  • verb-intransitive: To melt and flow: A hot flame will make the solder run.
  • verb-intransitive: To spread or dissolve, as dyes in fabric: Colorfast garments are not supposed to run.
  • verb-intransitive: To extend, stretch, or reach in a certain direction or to a particular point: This road runs to the next town.
  • verb-intransitive: To extend, spread, or climb as a result of growing: Ivy ran up the wall.
  • verb-intransitive: To spread rapidly: disease that ran rampant.
  • verb-intransitive: To be valid in a given area: The speed limit runs only to the town line.
  • verb-intransitive: To be present as a valid accompaniment: Fishing rights run with ownership of the land.
  • verb-intransitive: To unravel along a line: Her stocking ran.
  • verb-intransitive: To continue in effect or operation: a lease with one year to run.
  • verb-intransitive: To pass: Days ran into weeks.
  • verb-intransitive: To tend to persist or recur: Stinginess seems to run in that family.
  • verb-intransitive: To accumulate or accrue: The interest runs from the first of the month.
  • verb-intransitive: To become payable.
  • verb-intransitive: To take a particular form, order, or expression: My reasoning runs thus. The report runs as follows.
  • verb-intransitive: To tend or incline: Their taste in art runs to the bizarre.
  • verb-intransitive: To occupy or exist in a certain range: The sizes run from small to large.
  • verb-intransitive: To be presented or performed for a continuous period of time: The play ran for six months.
  • verb-intransitive: To pass into a specified condition: We ran into debt.
  • verb-intransitive: Informal To leave; depart: Sorry, I have to run.
  • verb-transitive: To travel over on foot at a pace faster than a walk: ran the entire distance.
  • verb-transitive: To cause (an animal) to move quickly or rapidly: We run our hunting dogs every morning.
  • verb-transitive: To allow to move without restraint.
  • verb-transitive: To do or accomplish by or as if by running: run errands.
  • verb-transitive: To hunt or pursue; chase: dogs running deer.
  • verb-transitive: To bring to a given condition by or as if by running: The toddlers ran me ragged.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to move quickly: She ran her fingers along the keyboard.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to compete in or as if in a race: He ran two horses in the Kentucky Derby.
  • verb-transitive: To present or nominate for elective office: The party ran her for senator.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to move or progress freely.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to function; operate: run a machine.
  • verb-transitive: To convey or transport: Run me into town. Run the garbage over to the dump.
  • verb-transitive: Football To attempt to advance (the ball) by carrying it.
  • verb-transitive: To submit for consideration or review: I'll run the idea by you before I write the proposal.
  • verb-transitive: Nautical To cause to move on a course: We ran our boat into a cove.
  • verb-transitive: To smuggle: run guns.
  • verb-transitive: To evade and pass through: run a roadblock.
  • verb-transitive: To pass over or through: run the rapids.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to flow: run water into a tub.
  • verb-transitive: To stream with: The fountains ran champagne.
  • verb-transitive: Metallurgy To melt, fuse, or smelt (metal).
  • verb-transitive: Metallurgy To mold or cast (molten metal): run gold into ingots.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to extend or pass: run a rope between the poles.
  • verb-transitive: To mark or trace on a surface: run a pencil line between two points.
  • verb-transitive: To sew with a continuous line of stitches: run a seam.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to unravel along a line: She ran her stocking on a splinter.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to crash or collide: ran the car into a fence.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to penetrate: I ran a pin into my thumb.
  • verb-transitive: To continue to present or perform: ran the film for a month.
  • verb-transitive: To publish in a periodical: run an advertisement.
  • verb-transitive: To subject oneself or be subjected to: run a risk.
  • verb-transitive: To have as an ongoing financial obligation: run a deficit; run a tab.
  • verb-transitive: Games To score (balls or points) consecutively in billiards: run 15 balls.
  • verb-transitive: Games To clear (the table) in pool by consecutive scores.
  • verb-transitive: To conduct or perform: run an experiment.
  • verb-transitive: Computer Science To process or execute (a program or instruction).
  • verb-transitive: To control, manage, or direct: ran the campaign by himself; a bureau that runs espionage operations.
  • noun: A pace faster than a walk.
  • noun: A fast gallop. Used of a horse.
  • noun: An act of running.
  • noun: A distance covered by or as if by running.
  • noun: The time taken to cover such a distance: It is a two minutes' run from the subway.
  • noun: A quick trip or visit: a run into town.
  • noun: Sports A running race: the winner of the mile run.
  • noun: A campaign for public office: She managed his successful senatorial run.
  • noun: Baseball A point scored by advancing around the bases and reaching home plate safely.
  • noun: Football A player's attempt to carry the ball past or through the opposing team, usually for a specified distance: a 30-yard run.
  • noun: The migration of fish, especially in order to spawn.
  • noun: A group or school of fish ascending a river in order to spawn.
  • noun: Unrestricted freedom or use: I had the run of the library.
  • noun: A stretch or period of riding, as in a race or to the hounds.
  • noun: A track or slope along or down which something can travel: a logging run.
  • noun: Sports A particular type of passage down a hill or across country experienced by an athlete, especially a skier or bobsledder: had two very good runs before the end of the day.
  • noun: Sports The distance a golf ball rolls after hitting the ground.
  • noun: A scheduled or regular route.
  • noun: The territory of a news reporter.
  • noun: A continuous period of operation, especially of a machine or factory.
  • noun: The production achieved during such a period: a press run of 15,000 copies.
  • noun: A movement or flow.
  • noun: The duration of such a flow.
  • noun: The amount of such a flow.
  • noun: A pipe or channel through which something flows.
  • noun: Eastern Lower Northern U.S. See creek.
  • noun: A fall or slide, as of sand or mud.
  • noun: Continuous length or extent: a five-foot run of tubing.
  • noun: Geology A vein or seam, as of ore or rock.
  • noun: The direction, configuration, or lie: the run of the grain in leather.
  • noun: A trail or way made or frequented by animals.
  • noun: An outdoor enclosure for domestic animals or poultry: a dog run; a turkey run.
  • noun: A length of torn or unraveled stitches in a knitted fabric.
  • noun: A blemish caused by excessive paint flow.
  • noun: An unbroken series or sequence: a run of dry summers.
  • noun: Games A continuous sequence of playing cards in one suit.
  • noun: An unbroken sequence or period of performances or presentations, as in the theater.
  • noun: A successful sequence of actions, such as well-played shots or victories in a sport.
  • noun: Music A rapid sequence of notes; a roulade.
  • noun: A series of unexpected and urgent demands, as by depositors or customers: a run on a bank.
  • noun: A sustained state or condition: a run of good luck.
  • noun: A trend or tendency: the run of events.
  • noun: The average type, group, or category: The broad run of voters want the candidate to win.
  • noun: Computer Science An execution of a specific program or instruction.
  • noun: Nautical The immersed part of a ship's hull abaft of the middle body.
  • noun: Slang Diarrhea. Often used with the.
  • adjective: Being in a melted or molten state: run butter; run gold.
  • adjective: Completely exhausted from running.
  • phrasal-verb: run across To find by chance; come upon.
  • phrasal-verb: run after To pursue; chase.
  • phrasal-verb: run after To seek the company or attention of for purposes of courting: He finally became tired of running after her.
  • phrasal-verb: run against To encounter unexpectedly; run into.
  • phrasal-verb: run against To work against; oppose: found public sentiment running against him.
  • phrasal-verb: run along To go away; leave.
  • phrasal-verb: run away To flee; escape.
  • phrasal-verb: run away To leave one's home, especially to elope.
  • phrasal-verb: run away To stampede.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To stop because of lack of force or power: The alarm clock finally ran down.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To make tired; cause to decline in vigor.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To collide with and knock down: a pedestrian who was run down by a speeding motorist.
  • phrasal-verb: run down Nautical To collide with and cause to sink.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To chase and capture: Detectives ran down the suspects.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To trace the source of: The police ran down all possible leads in the case.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To disparage: Don't run her down; she is very talented.
  • phrasal-verb: run down To go over; review: run down a list once more.
  • phrasal-verb: run down Baseball To put a runner out after trapping him or her between two bases.
  • phrasal-verb: run in To insert or include as something extra: ran in an illustration next to the first paragraph.
  • phrasal-verb: run in Printing To make a solid body of text without a paragraph or other break.
  • phrasal-verb: run in Slang To take into legal custody.
  • phrasal-verb: run in To pay a casual visit: We ran in for an hour.
  • phrasal-verb: run into To meet or find by chance: ran into an old friend.
  • phrasal-verb: run into To encounter (something): ran into trouble.
  • phrasal-verb: run into To collide with.
  • phrasal-verb: run into To amount to: His net worth runs into seven figures.
  • phrasal-verb: run off To print, duplicate, or copy: ran off 200 copies of the report.
  • phrasal-verb: run off To run away; elope.
  • phrasal-verb: run off To flow off; drain away.
  • phrasal-verb: run off To decide (a contest or competition) by a runoff.
  • phrasal-verb: run off To force or drive off (trespassers, for example).
  • phrasal-verb: run on To keep going; continue.
  • phrasal-verb: run on To talk volubly, persistently, and usually inconsequentially: He is always running on about his tax problems.
  • phrasal-verb: run on To continue a text without a formal break.
  • phrasal-verb: run out To become used up; be exhausted: Our supplies finally ran out.
  • phrasal-verb: run out To put out by force; compel to leave: We ran him out of town.
  • phrasal-verb: run out To become void, especially through the passage of time or an omission: an insurance policy that had run out.
  • phrasal-verb: run over To collide with, knock down, and often pass over: The car ran over a child.
  • phrasal-verb: run over To read or review quickly: run over a speech before giving it.
  • phrasal-verb: run over To flow over.
  • phrasal-verb: run over To go beyond a limit: The meeting ran over by 30 minutes.
  • phrasal-verb: run through To pierce: The soldier was run through by a bayonet.
  • phrasal-verb: run through To use up quickly: She ran through all her money.
  • phrasal-verb: run through To rehearse quickly: Let's run through the first act again.
  • phrasal-verb: run through To go over the salient points or facts of: The crew ran through the preflight procedures. We ran through the witness's testimony before presenting it in court.
  • phrasal-verb: run up To make or become greater or larger: ran up huge bills; run up the price of the company's stock.
  • phrasal-verb: run with To keep company: runs with a wild crowd.
  • phrasal-verb: run with To take as one's own; adopt: "[He] was determined to run with the idea and go public before it had been researched” ( Betty Cuniberti).
  • idiom: a run for (one's) money Strong competition.
  • idiom: in the long run In the final analysis or outcome.
  • idiom: in the short run In the immediate future.
  • idiom: on the run In rapid retreat: guerrillas on the run after an ambush.
  • idiom: on the run In hiding: fugitives on the run.
  • idiom: on the run Hurrying busily from place to place: executives always on the run from New York to Los Angeles.
  • idiom: temperature To have a higher than normal body temperature.
  • idiom: run away with To make off with hurriedly.
  • idiom: run away with To steal.
  • idiom: run away with To be greater or bigger than others in (a performance, for example).
  • idiom: foul To run into; collide with: a sloop that had run foul of the submerged reef.
  • idiom: foul To come into conflict with: a pickpocket who ran foul of the law.
  • idiom: run in place To go through the movements of running without leaving one's original position.
  • idiom: run interference To deal with problems or difficult matters for someone else.
  • idiom: run off at the mouth To talk excessively or indiscreetly.
  • idiom: run off with To capture or carry off: ran off with the state championship.
  • idiom: run (one's) eyes over To look at or read in a cursory manner.
  • idiom: run out of To exhaust the supply of: ran out of fuel.
  • idiom: gas Slang To exhaust one's energy or enthusiasm.
  • idiom: gas Slang To falter or come to a stop because of a lack of capital, support, or enthusiasm.
  • idiom: run out on To abandon: has run out on the family.
  • idiom: run rings around To be markedly superior to.
  • idiom: run scared Informal To become intimidated or frightened.
  • idiom: run short To become scanty or insufficient in supply: Fuel oil ran short during the winter.
  • idiom: run short of To use up so that a supply becomes insufficient or scanty: ran short of paper clips.
  • idiom: earth To pursue and successfully capture: Dogs ran the fox to earth. The police ran the terrorists to ground.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • bėgioti
  • plaukti
  • kursuoti
  • (nelegaliai) įvežti
  • plisti
  • tekėti
  • lietis
  • pritekėti (kraujo)
  • to run with būti užlietam
  • (apie galiojimo laiką) tęstis
  • driektis (apie linijas ir pan.)
  • veikti
  • run)
  • bėgti
  • judėti
  • eiti
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abeyance lietuviškai?

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