Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas
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Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:
- verb-intransitive: To move or act swiftly; hurry.
- verb-intransitive: To make a sudden or swift attack or charge.
- verb-intransitive: To flow or surge rapidly, often with noise: Tons of water rushed over the falls.
- verb-intransitive: Football To move the ball by running.
- verb-transitive: To cause to move or act with unusual haste or violence.
- verb-transitive: To perform with great haste: rushed completion of the project.
- verb-transitive: To attack swiftly and suddenly: Infantry rushed the enemy after the artillery barrage.
- verb-transitive: To transport or carry hastily: An ambulance rushed her to the hospital.
- verb-transitive: To entertain or pay great attention to: They rushed him for their fraternity.
- verb-transitive: Football To run at (a passer or kicker) in order to block or disrupt a play.
- noun: A sudden forward motion.
- noun: Surging emotion: a rush of shame.
- noun: An anxious and eager movement to get to or from a place: a rush to the goldfields.
- noun: A sudden, very insistent, generalized demand: a rush for gold coins.
- noun: General haste or busyness: The office always operates in a rush.
- noun: A sudden attack; an onslaught.
- noun: A rapid, often noisy flow or passage. See Synonyms at
flow . - noun: Football An attempt to move the ball by running.
- noun: Football An act of running at a passer or kicker in order to block or prevent a play.
- noun: Sports A rapid advance of the puck toward the opponent's goal in ice hockey.
- noun: The first, unedited print of a movie scene.
- noun: A time of attention, usually one in which extensive social activity occurs.
- noun: A drive by a Greek society on a college campus to recruit new members: a sorority rush.
- noun: The intensely pleasurable sensation experienced immediately after use of a stimulant or a mind-altering drug.
- noun: A sudden, brief exhilaration: A familiar rush overtook him each time the store announced a half-price special on expensive stereo equipment.
- adjective: Performed with or requiring great haste or urgency: a rush job; a rush order.
- noun: Any of various stiff marsh plants of the genus Juncus, having pliant hollow or pithy stems and small flowers with scalelike perianths.
- noun: Any of various similar, usually aquatic plants.
- noun: The stem of one of these plants, used in making baskets, mats, and chair seats.
Lietuviškos reikšmės:
- šturmuojant paimti
- skubotai veikti
- to rush a conclusion skubotai daryti išvadas
- ataka
- veržlus judėjimas
- spaudimas
- II n bot.
- mestis
- pulti (at)
- antplūdis
- užplūdimas
- niekis
- ma
- lėkti
- dumti
- rūkti
- meldai
- nendrės
rush off
rush out
benjamin rush
common rush
cotton rush
gold rush
hard rush
jointed rush
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