Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis short reiškia 1. a 1) trumpas; short vowel trumpas balsis; short weight nepilnas svoris; we are short of hands mums stinga darbininkų; 2) žemo ūgio (apie žmogų); 2. adv 1) trumpai; 2) staiga, greit; to cut short nutraukti, staiga sustabdyti; to fall short nepatenkinti; lietuviškai.

Short tarimas:

  • /ʃɔ:t/

Short audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Having little length; not long.
  • adjective: Having little height; not tall.
  • adjective: Extending or traveling not far or not far enough: a short toss.
  • adjective: Lasting a brief time: a short holiday.
  • adjective: Appearing to pass quickly: finished the job in a few short months.
  • adjective: Not lengthy; succinct: short and to the point.
  • adjective: Rudely brief; abrupt.
  • adjective: Easily provoked; irascible.
  • adjective: Inadequate; insufficient: oil in short supply; were short on experience.
  • adjective: Lacking in length or amount: a board that is short two inches.
  • adjective: Lacking in breadth or scope: a short view of the problem.
  • adjective: Deficient in retentiveness: a short memory.
  • adjective: Not owning the stocks or commodities one is selling in anticipation of a fall in prices.
  • adjective: Of or relating to a short sale.
  • adjective: Containing a large amount of shortening; flaky: a short pie crust.
  • adjective: Not ductile; brittle: short iron.
  • adjective: Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a speech sound of relatively brief duration, as the first vowel sound in the Latin word mălus, "evil,” as compared with the same or a similar sound of relatively long duration, as the first vowel sound in the Latin word mālus, "apple tree.”
  • adjective: Grammar Of, relating to, or being a vowel sound in English, such as the vowel sound (ă) in pat or (o͝o) in put, that is descended from a vowel of brief duration.
  • adjective: Unstressed; unaccented. Used of a syllable in accentual prosody.
  • adjective: Being of relatively brief duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.
  • adjective: Slang Close to the end of a tour of military duty.
  • adverb: Abruptly; quickly: stop short.
  • adverb: In a rude or curt manner.
  • adverb: At a point before a given boundary, limit, or goal: a missile that landed short of the target.
  • adverb: At a disadvantage: We were caught short by the sudden storm.
  • adverb: Without owning what one is selling: selling a commodity short.
  • noun: Something short, as:
  • noun: Linguistics A short syllable, vowel, or consonant.
  • noun: A brief film; a short subject.
  • noun: A size of clothing less long than the average for that size.
  • noun: Short trousers extending to the knee or above.
  • noun: Men's undershorts.
  • noun: A short sale.
  • noun: One that sells short.
  • noun: A byproduct of wheat processing that consists of germ, bran, and coarse meal or flour.
  • noun: Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an inferior variety of the product.
  • noun: A short circuit.
  • noun: A malfunction caused by a short circuit.
  • noun: Baseball A shortstop.
  • verb-transitive: To cause a short circuit in.
  • verb-transitive: Informal To give (one) less than one is entitled to; shortchange.
  • verb-transitive: To sell (a stock that one does not own) in anticipation of making a profit when its price falls; make a short sale.
  • verb-transitive: To sell unowned stock in (the stock market) in anticipation of making a profit when prices fall.
  • verb-intransitive: To short-circuit.
  • idiom: for short As an abbreviation: He's called Ed for short.
  • idiom: in short In summary; briefly.
  • idiom: short for An abbreviation of: Ed is short for Edward.
  • idiom: short of Having an inadequate supply of: We're short of cash.
  • idiom: short of Less than: Nothing short of her best effort was required to make the team.
  • idiom: short of Other than; without resorting to: Short of yelling at him, I had no other way to catch his attention.
  • idiom: short of Not quite willing to undertake or do; just this side of: She stopped short of throwing out the old photo.
  • idiom: the short end of the stick The worst side of an unequal deal.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • short vowel trumpas balsis
  • short weight nepilnas svoris
  • we are short of hands mums stinga darbininkų
  • žemo ūgio (apie žmogų)
  • to fall short nepatenkinti
  • trumpas
  • adv
  • trumpai
  • staiga
  • greit
  • to cut short nutraukti
  • staiga sustabdyti
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