Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

Kompiuterinis žodynas internete nemokamai


Sweet tarimas:

  • /swi:t/

Sweet audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • adjective: Having the taste of sugar or a substance containing or resembling sugar, as honey or saccharin.
  • adjective: Containing or derived from sugar.
  • adjective: Retaining some natural sugar; not dry: a sweet wine.
  • adjective: Pleasing to the senses; agreeable: the sweet song of the lark; a sweet face.
  • adjective: Pleasing to the mind or feelings; gratifying: sweet revenge.
  • adjective: Having a pleasing disposition; lovable: a sweet child.
  • adjective: Kind; gracious: It was sweet of him to help out.
  • adjective: Fragrant; perfumed: a sweet scent.
  • adjective: Not saline or salted: sweet water; sweet butter.
  • adjective: Not spoiled, sour, or decaying; fresh: sweet milk.
  • adjective: Free of acid or acidity: sweet soil.
  • adjective: Low in sulfur content: sweet fuel oil.
  • adjective: Music Of, relating to, or being a form of jazz characterized by adherence to a melodic line and to a time signature.
  • adjective: Used as an intensive: took his own sweet time to finish; earns a sweet million per year.
  • adverb: In a sweet manner; sweetly.
  • noun: Sweet taste or quality; sweetness.
  • noun: Something sweet to the taste.
  • noun: Foods, such as candy, pastries, puddings, or preserves, that are high in sugar content.
  • noun: Informal Sweet potatoes: candied sweets.
  • noun: Chiefly British A sweet dish, such as pudding, served as dessert.
  • noun: Chiefly British A sweetmeat or confection.
  • noun: A dear or beloved person.
  • noun: Something pleasing to the mind or feelings.
  • idiom: sweet on Informal Enamored of; in love with.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • kvapus
  • šviežias
  • meilus
  • to be sweet on šnek. būti įsimylėjusiam
  • saldusis patiekalas
  • saldus
  • saldainis
  • to have a sweet tooth būti smaguriu
  • smalyžiumi
  • malonus
  • švelnus
  • mylimasis
  • oji
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