Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

Kompiuterinis žodynas internete nemokamai


Take tarimas:

  • /teik/

Take audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • verb-transitive: To get into one's possession by force, skill, or artifice, especially:
  • verb-transitive: To capture physically; seize: take an enemy fortress.
  • verb-transitive: To seize with authority; confiscate.
  • verb-transitive: To kill, snare, or trap (fish or game, for example).
  • verb-transitive: Sports & Games To acquire in a game or competition; win: took the crown in horseracing.
  • verb-transitive: Sports & Games To defeat: Our team took the visitors three to one.
  • verb-transitive: Sports To catch (a ball in play), especially in baseball: The player took it on the fly.
  • verb-transitive: To grasp with the hands; grip: Take your partner's hand.
  • verb-transitive: To encounter or catch in a particular situation; come upon; discover: Your actions took me by surprise.
  • verb-transitive: To deal a blow to; strike or hit: The boxer took his opponent a sharp jab to the ribs.
  • verb-transitive: To affect favorably or winsomely; charm or captivate: She was taken by the puppy.
  • verb-transitive: To put (food or drink, for example) into the body; eat or drink: took a little soup for dinner.
  • verb-transitive: To draw in; inhale: took a deep breath.
  • verb-transitive: To expose one's body to (healthful or pleasurable treatment, for example): take the sun; take the waters at a spa.
  • verb-transitive: To bring or receive into a particular relation, association, or other connection: take a new partner into the firm; take a company national.
  • verb-transitive: To engage in sex with.
  • verb-transitive: To accept and place under one's care or keeping.
  • verb-transitive: To appropriate for one's own or another's use or benefit; obtain by purchase; secure or buy: We always take season tickets.
  • verb-transitive: To assume for oneself: take all the credit.
  • verb-transitive: To charge or oblige oneself with the fulfillment of (a task or duty, for example); commit oneself to: She took the position of chair of the committee.
  • verb-transitive: To pledge one's obedience to; impose (a vow or promise) upon oneself.
  • verb-transitive: To impose upon oneself; subject oneself to: We took extra time to do the job properly.
  • verb-transitive: To accept or adopt for one's own: She took his side in the dispute.
  • verb-transitive: To put forth or adopt as a point of argument, defense, or discussion.
  • verb-transitive: To require or have as a fitting or proper accompaniment: Transitive verbs take a direct object.
  • verb-transitive: To pick out; select or choose: take any card.
  • verb-transitive: To choose for one's own use; avail oneself of the use of: We took a rented car.
  • verb-transitive: To use (something) as when in operation: This camera takes 35mm film.
  • verb-transitive: To use (something) as a means of conveyance or transportation: take a train to Pittsburgh.
  • verb-transitive: To use (something) as a means of safety or refuge: take shelter from the storm.
  • verb-transitive: To choose and then adopt (a particular route or direction) while on foot or while operating a vehicle: Take a right at the next corner. The driver downshifted to take the corner.
  • verb-transitive: To assume occupancy of: take a seat.
  • verb-transitive: To require (something) as a basic necessity: It takes money to live in that town.
  • verb-transitive: To obtain from a source; derive or draw: The book takes its title from the Bible.
  • verb-transitive: To obtain, as through measurement or a specified procedure: took the patient's temperature.
  • verb-transitive: To write or make a record of, especially in shorthand or cursive writing: take a letter; take notes.
  • verb-transitive: To create (an image, likeness, or representation), as by drawing, painting, or photography: took a picture of us.
  • verb-transitive: To include or distribute (a charge) in a financial record.
  • verb-transitive: To accept (something owed, offered, or given) either reluctantly or willingly: take a bribe.
  • verb-transitive: To submit to (something inflicted); undergo or suffer: didn't take his punishment well.
  • verb-transitive: To put up with; endure or tolerate: I've had about all I can take from them.
  • verb-transitive: Baseball To refrain from swinging at (a pitched ball).
  • verb-transitive: To be affected with; catch: The child took the flu.
  • verb-transitive: To be hit or penetrated by: took a lot of punches; took a bullet in the leg.
  • verb-transitive: To withstand: The dam took the heavy flood waters.
  • verb-transitive: To accept or believe (something put forth) as true: I'll take your word.
  • verb-transitive: To follow (advice, a suggestion, or a lead, for example).
  • verb-transitive: To accept, handle, or deal with in a particular way: He takes things in stride.
  • verb-transitive: To consider in a particular relation or from a particular viewpoint: take the bitter with the sweet.
  • verb-transitive: To undertake, make, or perform: take a walk; take a decision.
  • verb-transitive: To allow to come in; give access or admission to; admit: The boat took a lot of water but remained afloat.
  • verb-transitive: To provide room for; accommodate: We can't take more than 100 guests.
  • verb-transitive: To become saturated or impregnated with (dye, for example).
  • verb-transitive: To understand or interpret: May I take your smile as an indication of approval?
  • verb-transitive: To consider; assume: Take the matter as settled.
  • verb-transitive: To consider to be equal to; reckon: We take their number at 1,000.
  • verb-transitive: To perceive or feel; experience: She took a dislike to his intrusions.
  • verb-transitive: To carry, convey, lead, or cause to go along to another place: Don't forget to take your umbrella. This bus takes you to New York. See Usage Note at bring.
  • verb-transitive: To remove from a place: take the dishes from the sink.
  • verb-transitive: To secure by removing: The dentist took two molars.
  • verb-transitive: To cause to die; kill or destroy: The blight took these tomatoes.
  • verb-transitive: To subtract: take 15 from 30.
  • verb-transitive: To exact: The storm took its toll.
  • verb-transitive: To commit and apply oneself to the study of: take art lessons; take Spanish.
  • verb-transitive: To study for with success: took a degree in law.
  • verb-transitive: Informal To swindle, defraud, or cheat: You've really been taken.
  • verb-intransitive: To acquire possession.
  • verb-intransitive: To engage or mesh; catch, as gears or other mechanical parts.
  • verb-intransitive: To start growing; root or germinate: Have the seeds taken?
  • verb-intransitive: To have the intended effect; operate or work: The skin graft took.
  • verb-intransitive: To gain popularity or favor: The television series, which didn't take, was later canceled.
  • verb-intransitive: To become: He took sick.
  • noun: The act or process of taking.
  • noun: That which is taken.
  • noun: A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business arrangement or venture.
  • noun: The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time.
  • noun: Sports The amount of money collected as admission to a sporting event; the gate.
  • noun: The uninterrupted running of a movie or television camera or a set of recording equipment in filming a movie or television program or cutting a record.
  • noun: A scene filmed or televised without interrupting the run of the camera.
  • noun: A recording made in a single session.
  • noun: A physical reaction, such as a rash, indicating a successful vaccination.
  • noun: A successful graft.
  • noun: Slang An attempt or a try: He got the answer on the third take.
  • noun: Informal An interpretation or assessment, as of an event: The mayor was asked for his take on the judge's decision.
  • phrasal-verb: take after To follow as an example.
  • phrasal-verb: take after To resemble in appearance, temperament, or character.
  • phrasal-verb: take apart To divide into parts after disassembling.
  • phrasal-verb: take apart To dissect or analyze (a theory, for example), usually in an effort to discover hidden or innate flaws or weaknesses.
  • phrasal-verb: take apart Slang To beat up; thrash.
  • phrasal-verb: take back To retract (something stated or written).
  • phrasal-verb: take down To bring to a lower position from a higher one.
  • phrasal-verb: take down To take apart; dismantle: take down the Christmas tree.
  • phrasal-verb: take down To lower the arrogance or the self-esteem of (a person): really took him down during the debate.
  • phrasal-verb: take down To put down in writing.
  • phrasal-verb: take for To regard as: Do you take me for a fool?
  • phrasal-verb: take for To consider mistakenly: Don't take silence for approval.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To grant admittance to; receive as a guest or an employee.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To reduce in size; make smaller or shorter: took in the waist on the pair of pants.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To include or constitute.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To understand: couldn't take in the meaning of the word.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To deceive or swindle: was taken in by a confidence artist.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To look at thoroughly; view: took in the sights.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To accept (work) to be done in one's house for pay: took in typing.
  • phrasal-verb: take in To convey (a prisoner) to a police station.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To remove, as clothing: take one's coat off; take off one's galoshes.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To release: took the brake off.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To deduct as a discount: took 20 percent off.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To carry off or away.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To go off; leave: took off in a hurry.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To achieve wide use or popularity: a new movie that really took off.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To rise into the air or begin flight: The plane took off on time.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To discontinue: took off the commuter special.
  • phrasal-verb: take off To withhold service due, as from one's work: I'm taking off three days during May.
  • phrasal-verb: take on To undertake or begin to handle: took on extra responsibilities.
  • phrasal-verb: take on To hire; engage: took on more workers during the harvest.
  • phrasal-verb: take on To oppose in competition: a wrestler who took on all comers.
  • phrasal-verb: take on Informal To display violent or passionate emotion: Don't take on so!
  • phrasal-verb: take on To acquire (an appearance, for example) as or as if one's own: Over the years he has taken on the look of a banker.
  • phrasal-verb: take out To extract; remove: took the splinter out.
  • phrasal-verb: take out To secure (a license, for example) by application to an authority.
  • phrasal-verb: take out Informal To escort, as a date.
  • phrasal-verb: take out To give vent to: Don't take your frustration out in such an aggressive manner.
  • phrasal-verb: take out To obtain as an equivalent in a different form: took out the money owed in services.
  • phrasal-verb: take out Informal To begin a course; set out: The police took out after the thieves.
  • phrasal-verb: take out To kill; murder: Two snipers took out an enemy platoon.
  • phrasal-verb: take out To search for and destroy in an armed attack or other such encounter: Combat pilots, flying low to avoid radar, took out the guerrilla leader's bunker in a single mission.
  • phrasal-verb: take over To assume control, management, or responsibility.
  • phrasal-verb: take over To assume the control or management of or the responsibility for: She took over the job after he left.
  • phrasal-verb: take over To become dominant: Our defense took over in the second half of the game.
  • phrasal-verb: take to To have recourse to; go to, as for safety: took to the woods.
  • phrasal-verb: take to To develop as a habit or a steady practice: take to drink.
  • phrasal-verb: take to To become fond of or attached to: "Two keen minds that they are, they took to each other” ( Jack Kerouac).
  • phrasal-verb: take up To raise; lift.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To reduce in size; shorten or tighten: take up a gown.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To pay off (an outstanding debt, mortgage, or note).
  • phrasal-verb: take up To accept (an option, bet, or challenge) as offered.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To begin again; resume: Let's take up where we left off.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To use up, consume, or occupy: The extra duties took up most of my time.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To develop an interest in or devotion to: take up mountain climbing.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To deal with: Let's take up each problem one at a time.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To assume: took up a friendly attitude.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To absorb or adsorb: crops taking up nutrients.
  • phrasal-verb: take up To enter into (a profession or business): took up engineering.
  • idiom: on the take Informal Taking or seeking to take bribes or illegal income: "There were policemen on the take” ( Scott Turow).
  • idiom: take a bath Informal To experience serious financial loss: "Small investors who latched on to hot new issues took a bath in Wall Street” ( Paul A. Samuelson).
  • idiom: take account of To take into consideration.
  • idiom: take away from To detract from: Drab curtains took away from the otherwise lovely room.
  • idiom: take care To be careful: Take care or you will slip on the ice.
  • idiom: take care of To assume responsibility for the maintenance, support, or treatment of.
  • idiom: take charge To assume control or command.
  • idiom: take effect To become operative, as under law or regulation: The curfew takes effect at midnight.
  • idiom: take effect To produce the desired reaction: The antibiotics at last began to take effect.
  • idiom: take exception To express opposition by argument; object to: took exception to the prosecutor's line of questioning.
  • idiom: five Slang To take a short rest or break, as of five or ten minutes.
  • idiom: take for granted To consider as true, real, or forthcoming; anticipate correctly.
  • idiom: take for granted To underestimate the value of: a publisher who took the editors for granted.
  • idiom: take heart To be confident or courageous.
  • idiom: take hold To seize, as by grasping.
  • idiom: take hold To become established: The newly planted vines quickly took hold.
  • idiom: take it To understand; assume: As I take it, they won't accept the proposal.
  • idiom: take it Informal To endure abuse, criticism, or other harsh treatment: If you can dish it out, you've got to learn to take it.
  • idiom: take it on the chin Slang To endure punishment, suffering, or defeat.
  • idiom: take it or leave it To accept or reject unconditionally.
  • idiom: take it out on Informal To abuse (someone) in venting one's own anger.
  • idiom: take kindly to To be receptive to: take kindly to constructive criticism.
  • idiom: take kindly to To be naturally attracted or fitted to; thrive on.
  • idiom: take lying down Informal To submit to harsh treatment with no resistance: refused to take the snub lying down.
  • idiom: take notice of To pay attention to.
  • idiom: take (one's) breath away To put into a state of awe or shock.
  • idiom: take (one's) time To act slowly or at one's leisure.
  • idiom: take place To happen; occur.
  • idiom: take root To become established or fixed.
  • idiom: take root To become rooted.
  • idiom: take shape To take on a distinctive form.
  • idiom: take sick Chiefly Southern U.S. To become ill.
  • idiom: take sides To associate with and support a particular faction, group, cause, or person.
  • idiom: take stock To take an inventory.
  • idiom: take stock To make an estimate or appraisal, as of resources or of oneself.
  • idiom: take stock in To trust, believe in, or attach importance to.
  • idiom: take the bench Law To assume a judicial position.
  • idiom: take the cake To be the most outrageous or disappointing.
  • idiom: take the cake To win the prize; be outstanding.
  • idiom: take the count To be defeated.
  • idiom: take the count Sports To be counted out in boxing.
  • idiom: fall Slang To incur blame or censure, either willingly or unwillingly: a senior official who took the fall for the failed intelligence operation.
  • idiom: take the floor To rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly.
  • idiom: take the heat Slang To incur and endure heavy censure or criticism: had a reputation for being able to take the heat in a crisis.
  • idiom: take to the cleaners Slang To take all the money or possessions of, especially by outsmarting or swindling.
  • idiom: take up for To support (a person or group, for example) in an argument.
  • idiom: take up the cudgels To join in a dispute, especially in defense of a participant.
  • idiom: take up with Informal To begin to associate with; consort with: took up with a fast crowd.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • priimti
  • to take prisoner paimti į nelaisvę
  • gaudyti (žuvis)
  • užimti (vietą)
  • to take account of atsižvelgti
  • to take advantage pasinaudoti
  • to take aim taikyti
  • to take a bus (trai
  • taken)
  • imti
  • nugalėti
  • paimti
  • laikyti
  • manyti
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