Anglų - Lietuvių žodynas

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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Žodis way reiškia  n  kelias; back way aplinkinis kelias; by the way a) pakeliui; b) šnek. beje, tarp kitko; on the way kelyje, pakeliui; changes are on the way artėja permainos; out of the way a) ne pakeliui, iš kelio; b) nuošalyje; c) nepaprastas; across/over the way kit lietuviškai.

Way tarimas:

  • /wei/

Way audio:

Žodžio paaiškinimas anglų kalba:

  • noun: A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.
  • noun: An opening affording passage: This door is the only way into the attic.
  • noun: Space to proceed: cleared the way for the parade.
  • noun: Opportunity to advance: opened the way to peace.
  • noun: A course that is or may be used in going from one place to another: tried to find the shortest way home.
  • noun: Progress or travel along a certain route or in a specific direction: on his way north.
  • noun: A course of conduct or action: tried to take the easy way out.
  • noun: A manner or method of doing: several ways of solving this problem; had no way to reach her.
  • noun: A usual or habitual manner or mode of being, living, or acting: the American way of life.
  • noun: An individual or personal manner of behaving, acting, or doing: Have it your own way.
  • noun: Informal Distance: The travelers have come a long way. That village is a good ways off.
  • noun: A specific direction: He glanced my way.
  • noun: A participant. Often used in combination: a three-way conversation.
  • noun: An aspect, particular, or feature: resembles his father in many ways; in no way comparable.
  • noun: Nature or category: not much in the way of a plot.
  • noun: Freedom to do as one wishes: if I had my way.
  • noun: An aptitude or facility: She certainly does have a way with words.
  • noun: A state or condition: He is in a bad way financially.
  • noun: Vicinity: Drop in when you're out our way.
  • noun: A longitudinal strip on a surface that serves to guide a moving machine part. Often used in the plural.
  • noun: Nautical The structure on which a ship is built and from which it slides when launched.
  • adverb: Informal By a great distance or to a great degree; far: way off base; way too expensive.
  • adverb: Slang Very; extremely: "Can they really make a car that's way cool?” ( Fortune).
  • adverb: Informal From this place; away: Go way.
  • idiom: all the way From beginning to end; completely: drove all the way from Detroit to Pittsburgh.
  • idiom: by the way Incidentally: By the way, you forgot to cash that check.
  • idiom: by way of Through; via: flew to the Far East by way of the polar route.
  • idiom: by way of As a means of: made no comment by way of apology.
  • idiom: (one's) To inconvenience oneself in doing something beyond what is required.
  • idiom: in a way To a certain extent; with reservations: I like the new styles, in a way.
  • idiom: in a way From one point of view: In a way, you're right.
  • idiom: in the way In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.
  • idiom: no way Informal Certainly not: Did you like that movie?-No way! It was boring.
  • idiom: (one's) In the process of coming, going, or traveling: She is on her way out the door. Winter is on the way.
  • idiom: on the way On the route of a journey: met him on the way to town; ran into them on the way.
  • idiom: out of the way In such a position as not to obstruct, hinder, or interfere.
  • idiom: out of the way Taken care of; disposed of: some details to get out of the way first.
  • idiom: out of the way In a remote location.
  • idiom: out of the way Of an unusual character; remarkable.
  • idiom: out of the way Improper; amiss: said nothing out of the way.

Lietuviškos reikšmės:

  • kelias
  • back way aplinkinis kelias
  • by the way a) pakeliui
  • changes are on the way artėja permainos
  • nuošalyje
  • nepaprastas
  • across/over the way kit
  • tarp kitko
  • on the way kelyje
  • pakeliui
  • iš kelio
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Anglų lietuvių žodynas. Ką reiškia žodis abduct lietuviškai?

--Autorius (flickr)

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